NEW DELHI, July 4 – Incessant rain in India’s northeastern state of Assam has worsened the flooding situation as water has inundated new areas, officials said Wednesday.

According to the Assam State Disaster Management Authority (ASDMA), over 1.1 million people were affected by the current wave of flooding in 28 districts, and the death toll has risen to 38 so far.

“On Tuesday, the flooding claimed three more lives. While two people died in Tinsukia district, one individual drowned at Jonai in Dhemaji district. The overall death toll due to flooding has risen to 38,” an ASDMA official said.

“Over 1.1 million (1,134,446) people have been affected in the state’s 28 districts currently reeling under flooding.”

The authorities have set up 130 relief camps and 359 relief distribution centers for the affected population.

“So far, 18,459 people have been shifted to 130 relief camps, and 268,317 people have benefited from the distribution centers,” the official said.

Lakhimpur, Darrang, Golaghat and Dhemaji are the worst-affected districts in the state, according to the ASDMA.

“A total of 2,208 villages in 84 revenue circles have been affected by the flooding, and 42,476 hectares of crop areas damaged across the state,” the official added.


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