KOTA BHARU, July 4 – A smuggling syndicate at the Malaysia-Thailand border has adopted a new modus operandi by using modified drum tanks to smuggle excessive quantities of RON95 petrol.

This tactic was uncovered following the seizure of two Proton Wira Aeroback by Marine Police Team 3 in Pengkalan Kubor, Tumpat.

According to sources, each vehicle was found carrying over 200 litres of petrol suspected to have been purchased from a gas station approximately 25 kilometres from the border.

“Both vehicles were apprehended by a marine police team near the Pok Mat illegal base in Kampung Simpangan, Tumpat, which was also the location of a previous shootout involving smugglers firing at customs officers on June 19,“ the source said.

“In the raid, smugglers believed to be part of the group fled and abandoned the cars filled with petrol upon receiving information about the arrival of the authorities,“ the source added.

“The inspection revealed that 450 litres of fuel were believed to be intended for siphoning into plastic tanks before being smuggled into a neighbouring country using long-tail engine boats.

“Inspection of both vehicles also found that the tank covers had two holes: one leading to the regular fuel tank and another to the modified tank,“ the source said.


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