KOTA BHARU, July 4 – A recent recording of a heartwarming rescue of a baby elephant by Wildlife and National Parks Department (Perhilitan) officers has gone viral, theStar reported.

The incident took place on June 30 after eight Perhilitan officers from Jeli, Kelantan, were called to free a baby elephant trapped in a highway drain at Batu 13 Jalan Timur-Barat, Kelantan.

The video shows the calf’s mother standing by as though “supervising” the rescue, while the Perhilitan crew used an excavator to gently pull the calf (placed in a harness) gently up and out of the drain.

The Perhilitan crew then guided both mother and baby away from the treacherous drain, ensuring they crossed the road safely and encouraged the baby to clamber over a highway divider.


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