KOTA KINABALU, July 5 – Sabah received almost a thousand inquiries within four days of launching its own Malaysia My Second Home (MM2H) programme, said State Tourism, Culture and Environment Minister Datuk Christina Liew.

“The response has been tremendous. We got inquiries from all over the world and especially Southeast Asia. Some were Americans who want to stay here,” she said.

“But not every application will be approved, they must meet the conditions,” she said, adding she was grateful to the Federal Minister of the Tourism, Arts and Culture Ministry (Motac) for assistance.

Previously, Motac disavowed any involvement in Sabah’s MM2H, adding the state launched it unilaterally.

It hoped any further decisions by Sabah on its MM2H should adhere to rules and regulations under the Tourism Industry Act 1992 (Act 482).

Liew, however, said Sabah would go ahead with its own foreign residency programme regardless of Motac’s involvement or approval.


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